Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Roadside Admonitions

What was that? I ask myself as I travel down the backroads of Pennsylvania this past weekend. I am rapt. My faithful Canon sitting beside me, I find the nearest place to turn my vehicle around and go back. I looked. And I looked. What is this person telling me?

Current events in my life can and do affect me. Some very recent events in my life have left me scratching my head. This display moved me. What is the person who assembled this roadside memorial say to me? Would they join me in my pity party? Not likely. Would they tell me to wake up and appreciate the good health that I enjoy? We both know the answer to that. Would they even say that my setbacks are merely minor inconveniences in life? Yes.

The qualities I love about my Canon: It records. It replays. It speaks. Most importantly, It reminds. I need to stop and thank God for his blessings on my life every day because the day will come when I can't. I pray for peace from above for this family.

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